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Creators Club:Universes

From Moeverse Wiki
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This page lists Original Universes published by the Club Members (see Wiki:Admissible Articles for admissibility criteria). To add yours, append an entry similar to existing ones at the bottom of the table so the works are listed by publication time on Moeverse. Try to fit the summary into 1-2 phrases or 3-4 lines.

Original Universes
Name Author(s) Started[1] Summary
UNIVER.SYS Rizzonen 2023-04-04 A character universe project inspired by the moe gijinka (moe personification) trope, more specifically based on technology. The universe follows the lives of various Techne, characters representing real-life technologies, from different places and time periods.
Moefest Pttn 2024-12-17 A story following the adventures of two girls who met under mysterious circumstances, wandering across what appears to be intertwined Universes born from the imagination of artists who exhibited at Moefest, to which they were suddenly transported while they attended the event.
  1. Date of the publication or first relevant edit on Moeverse, may be different to the actual publication date (if it was published somewhere else first,...).