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Zinnia Clare

From Moeverse Wiki
Pristine Edification
UNIVER.SYS Character
"I don't remember if this page got changed."
General Information
NameZinnia Clare
First published2023-04-15
Hair ColorPink Blonde
Eye ColorRose Red
Other Information
AffiliationThe Syntroupe
OccupationStage magician
HobbiesIllusions, sharpshooting, playing chess

Zinnia Clare is a character in UNIVER.SYS. She is a Techne from Synknights.


Zinnia's first design was first published in OS-tans.moe on April 15, 2023. Her design has been reworked and published in Moeverse on February 1, 2024.


Zinnia appears to be level-headed and proper, and doesn't speak much unless she had to. As the de facto leader and co-founder of The Syntroupe, she represents the group's elegant image, sometimes training herself very hard to a perfectionistic degree. She specialized in evasion tricks, sharp shooting and illusion performances.

Off the stage, Zinnia often worked in education. Her teaching philosophy involves being resourceful and to not waste anything unless necessary. Contrary to popular belief, Zinnia is less formal compared to her on-stage image, and is more outspoken and prone to dry humor.



  • Zinnia represents Sinclair ZX81, an inexpensive personal computer by Sinclair Research.
  • Her name is derived from the flower genus of the same name, which often comes in red, pink and orange colors.[1]
  • The first letter of her name is derived from ZX81, and her last name is derived from Sinclair Research.
  • Her narrow color palette is derived from ZX81's hardware and graphics limitations.
  • The Houndstooth pattern in her dress is similar to a ZX81 hardware quirk, and also references ZX81 being manufactured in Scotland, as the contemporary Houndstooth pattern originated from the Scottish Lowlands.[2]
  • Her favorite boardgame is chess, referencing the Super Micro Chess Engine for the ZX81.


  • Her role in education is based on ZX81's impact in British society, especially in the educational field.
  • She actively performs as a stage magician in festivals, which is inspired by the ZX Microfair. [3]
  • Zinnia often prepares a lot of things in advance lest she forgot them, implying she may have memory issues, referencing a notable ZX81 memory problem, where failed programs had to be started over. In fact, ZX81 has only 1 KB of memory by default.
  • Her favorite food is strawberry shortcake.

Notes and References

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↗️Virta {{{size}}}px Mikko{{{size}}}px Sinikka{{{size}}}px Santeri{{{size}}}px Arvi{{{size}}}px Talvi
🪄Synknights {{{size}}}px Zinnia{{{size}}}px Zach{{{size}}}px Quinley{{{size}}}px Roland{{{size}}}px Rika
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See Also ©️ UNIVER.SYS License • 📜 UNIVER.SYS Compendium