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General Information
Debut<= 2006
RepresentsWindows Vista
Developer🇺🇸 Microsoft
Hair ColorSilver
Eye ColorRed

Vistake (Japanese: ビスたけ) is an OS-tan associated with Windows Vista.


Her debut is unknown. Artworks of her from as early 2006 can be easily found.

Despite her status as one of the most famous Windows Vista OS-tan variation, she was also considered controversial back in the day[Challenged].

Nowadays Vistake is no longer a source of controversy, as people began to treat her separately from the artist.


She is often depicted as an abrasive, self-deprecating jealous character who tries to express her honest feelings but is too shy to be straightforward.[Challenged]

Her hobby is painting, however she tends to harbor jealousy and envy towards "god painters"「 神絵師」a term for highly skilled artists, even reflected in her quote, "God painters really should just die "「神絵師なんてマジ死ねよ」.[1][2]

Vistake's characterization was a topic of controversy, since a lot of people disliked her for not capturing the characteristics of Windows Vista[Challenged].

Vistake has a younger sister[Challenged] named Visbou (びす坊), who is also associated with Windows Vista. Unlike her sister, Visbou has an innocent personality[Challenged].

Notes and References

  1. Pixiv Artwork 490471 portrayed her painting and her quote against "god painters"
  2. Artwork of Vistake depicting her jealousy towards "god painters"
{{{size}}}px OS-tan
Notable Legacy OS‑tans {{{size}}}px Oichi (1.0) • {{{size}}}px Ōbaba (3.1) • {{{size}}}px 95-tan{{{size}}}px 98-tan{{{size}}}px 98SE-tan{{{size}}}px Me-tan{{{size}}}px 2K-tan{{{size}}}px XP-tan{{{size}}}px Mac-tan
Notable Modern OS‑tans {{{size}}}px Vistake{{{size}}}px Seven-chan{{{size}}}px Battenichi-chan (8.1) • {{{size}}}px Ten-chan{{{size}}}px 11-chan
More OS‑tans and Related {{{size}}}px DOS Prompt{{{size}}}px Inu-T{{{size}}}px NT Maman{{{size}}}px Homeko{{{size}}}px Saba-tan{{{size}}}px Longhorn-tan{{{size}}}px Linspire-tan{{{size}}}px Linux-tan{{{size}}}px Sonata (Mac 9) • {{{size}}}px Dr. NortonOther Characters
Notable Media 🎞️ Trouble Windows Opening • 📖 Trouble Windows OS-tan Fan Book
Events Futaba School Festival
See Also NijiuraFutaba Channel
Related Universes Project Direct Girl{{{size}}}px OS-tan{{{size}}}px Madobe Universe
Other Characters {{{size}}}px Miko Mikami
Disambiguation Pages Windows 3.1Windows NTWindows XPWindows VistaWindows 7Windows 11