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Ultimate Summer Campaigns

From Moeverse Wiki

During the 2010 Summer, Weekly ASCII and Synnex ran the Ultimate Summer campaigns promoting Windows 7 and featuring Nanami Madobe.

Ultimate Summer!

Weekly ASCII and Synnex ran together the Ultimate Summer! campaign (Japanese: Ultimateな夏!) from July 3 to August 6, 2010, during which the first 2000 purchasers of a Windows 7 Ultimate DSP copy in participating stores received the Nanami Madobe's Works (Japanese: 窓辺ななみ作品集) disc and a face towel depicting a chibi Nanami.

Ultimate Summer Campaign Part 2

Synnex then ran the Ultimate Summer Campaign Part 2 (Japanese: Ultimateな夏キャンペーン第2弾) from August 7 to September 3, 2010. The first 3000 purchasers of a Windows 7 Ultimate DSP copy in participating stores received again the Nanami Madobe's Works disc, but accompanied this time by a glass mug with a random Nanami outline artwork among three.

Nanami Madobe's Works

The disc was only distributed in a sleeve rather than a case. It contains concept artworks of Nanami, seven pictures that were used in campaigns, and sketches of these pictures.

Technical Information

  • Type: CD (pressed)
  • ISO Title: 窓辺ななみ
  • ISO Size: 4,614,144 bytes
  • Hashs:
    • MD5: f5c5562751de92adf1bf700d60e8a6f8
    • SHA1: 04466598932124be5c67fe164fb6c71d272fcaa7
    • SHA256: 3fe9cb1c0d181b4e96ed951fdeda54f506a40634f91757a822c69315013f4802

Nanami Madobe Anime Setting Materials Collection

Nanami Madobe Images

Nanami Madobe Images Sketches

External Links

{{{size}}}px Madobe Universe
Main Madobe Family {{{size}}}px Nanami{{{size}}}px and {{{size}}}px Ai{{{size}}}px Tōko{{{size}}}px Claudia
Other Characters {{{size}}}px Ruri{{{size}}}px Manager{{{size}}}px Claude{{{size}}}px Mutsumi{{{size}}}px Hikaru{{{size}}}px Inori
Notable Media 🎵 Seven Color Generator • 🎞️ Nanami Madobe's Commercial • 💬 Cloud Girl • 🎵 Mir8cle Days • 🎵 Whatever the Future Holds • 🎵 Future Update • 🎵 Find the Way • 🗣️ The Madobe Family Voice Drama
Events Windows 7 LaunchWindows Home ServerHappy Windows 7Nanami CommercialUltimate SummerWindows 7 1st AnniversaryIntel × MicrosoftPower Saving SchoolTouch Mouse2012 SpringKinectSweet MemoryWindows 8 Launch2012 WinterComiket 832013 SpringComiket 84Windows 8.1 Launch2013 Winter2014 SpringWindows 8.1 Update2014 Summer2014 WinterWindows 10 Launch2015 WinterCelsys Collaboration
See Also Windows 7 ManiaWindows Navi+