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Seems like an incomplete entry is found within the UNIVER.SYS database. Please wait as the TANs collect more information.


UNIVER.SYS can be described as a flat expanse, similar to most maps in video games. The area of UNIVER.SYS where most TANs (Technological Anthropomorphs) reside are collectively known as the Innovatia Cluster, consisting of major regions such as Liberty, Yashima, Albin, Lumi, and more.


Different regions in UNIVER.SYS have different loading times, which explains how some regions may still be at night while others were already in the morning. However these differences are not drastic, mostly only an hour or two. When TANs enter a new region, their systems will adjust to the different timezone (similar to having loading screens when entering a new area in a video game).

Timekeeping in UNIVER.SYS is being constantly researched and improved, including problems with unknown TAN debut dates, lagging, and integer overflow. There are multiple time systems used depending on the subject, but the most common is the 24-hour format.

Are We Alone?

So far, scientists and researchers had discovered other universes beyond UNIVER.SYS' scope, however they have adopted a "non-interference clause", which means that UNIVER.SYS should not significantly interact with other universes in order to prevent anomalies and disasters. While this was the case in the current timeline, interferences used to happen frequently centuries ago before a decline occured, which reached its peak in the early 20th century.

Records of interferences with beings from other universe, which was once believed as "magical beings" by the people, were kept in several Ensembles, such as Synknights, Virta, DExC, and others.