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Seems like an incomplete entry is found within the UNIVER.SYS database. Please wait as the Techne collect more information.

The Universal Knowledge

UNIVER.SYS was first mapped by primordial mechanical beings, entities born from the universe's fabric, powered by mathematics and code-based energy that composed the universe.

The earliest of them, the 1D Primordials, existed on a single axis, performing basic calculations and communicating through vibrations and pulses along their linear dimension.

Later beings mastered 2D space, the 2D Primordials, developing coordinate systems, pathfinding, and expanding their communication through movement, appearances, and sound across varied terrains.

Then the 3D Primordials emerged, mastering height, depth, and breadth. With advanced sensors and locomotion, they explored complex environments and developed sophisticated languages for abstract thought and emotion, establishing an early form of modern communication.

The Techne, the ultimate culmination of the Primordials' evolution, had yet to emerge. It was the result of a major shift within the universe, that would forever alter its trajectory.