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Nanami Madobe's Sweet Memory

From Moeverse Wiki
Nanami's Madobe Sweet Memory Poster
A poster used during the campaign.

Nanami Madobe's Sweet Memory (Japanese: 窓辺ななみ Sweet Memory, Madobe Nanami's Sweet Memory) was a campaign launched by Windows 7 Mania on July 7, 2012 in Japan[1].

During the campaign, the Sweet Memory CD-ROM could be obtained with some copies of Windows 7 Ultimate bought at participating shops. 2000 discs were distributed[2].

At Softmap and Bic Camera, a clear file could also be obtained, and a telephone card at Dospara.

The campaign is mentioned on the Windows 8 Pro DSP Release Commemorative Packs, though the reason for this is unclear.


Its full name is Nanami Madobe's Sweet Memory ~ With Love and Gratitude from Nanami to You ~ (窓辺ななみ Sweet Memory ~ ななみからあなたへ愛と感謝をこめて ~).

It contains drawings (sketches including unused ones, .psd files, and final), Theme Packs and other media (like the Seven Color Generator song or a couple of ads) from previous campaigns, from the first appearance of Nanami in 2009 to this disc. The Sweet Memory campaign itself adds an artwork with some of its sketches and a first version of the Madobe Family Tree.

A booklet summarizing the CD's content also came with the disc.

Campaigns included

Start Date Campaign Translation
2009-09-25 DSP 版 Windows 7 パーツバンドル予約限定 プレミアムセット予約受付 Windows 7 Preorder Limited Premium Set
2009-12-04 DSP 版 Windows Home Server 自作応援 Windows Home Server DSP Self-Made Support
2010-03-12 Happy Windows 7 Happy Windows 7
2010-05-06 Windows 7 で PC自作応援コマーシャル Commercials supporting self built PCs with Windows 7
2010-10-23 DSP 版 Windows 7 1st Anniversary/感謝祭開催 Windows 7 DSP 1st Anniversary/Thanksgiving
2011-04-29 インテル・日本マイクロソフトジョイントプロモーション Intel and Microsoft Japan Joint Campaign
2011-08-27 Windows 7 節電塾 Windows 7 Power Saving School
2011-11-04 DSP 版 Windows 7 Ultimate × TOUCH MOUSE リミテッド パック Windows 7 Ultimate DSP × Touch Mouse Limited Pack
2012-03-23 DSP 版 Windows 7 春の新生活応援キャンペーン Windows 7 Spring Campaign
2012-04-16 Kinect for Windows スペシャルパック Kinect for Windows Special Pack
2012-07-07 窓辺ななみ Sweet Memory Nanami Madobe's Sweet Memory

Disc Technical Information

  • Type: CD (pressed)
  • ISO Title: 窓辺ななみオリジナルテーマCD
  • ISO Size: 458,330,112 bytes
  • Hashs:
    • MD5: 3c2ca7892c85b1366b532a3d52d152a3
    • SHA1: 3a36247b6a447778644ca57a907c4779c84959df
    • SHA256: e08f361ad5f331fa5d049a1f6925caf6dc910f93becc3375f129010617c3f0cb

Sweet Memory Artwork

Madobe Family Tree

External Links

Notes and References

{{{size}}}px Madobe Universe
Main Madobe Family {{{size}}}px Nanami{{{size}}}px and {{{size}}}px Ai{{{size}}}px Tōko{{{size}}}px Claudia
Other Characters {{{size}}}px Ruri{{{size}}}px Manager{{{size}}}px Claude{{{size}}}px Mutsumi{{{size}}}px Hikaru{{{size}}}px Inori
Notable Media 🎵 Seven Color Generator • 🎞️ Nanami Madobe's Commercial • 💬 Cloud Girl • 🎵 Mir8cle Days • 🎵 Whatever the Future Holds • 🎵 Future Update • 🎵 Find the Way • 🗣️ The Madobe Family Voice Drama
Events Windows 7 LaunchWindows Home ServerHappy Windows 7Nanami CommercialUltimate SummerWindows 7 1st AnniversaryIntel × MicrosoftPower Saving SchoolTouch Mouse2012 SpringKinectSweet MemoryWindows 8 Launch2012 WinterComiket 832013 SpringComiket 84Windows 8.1 Launch2013 Winter2014 SpringWindows 8.1 Update2014 Summer2014 WinterWindows 10 Launch2015 WinterCelsys Collaboration
See Also Windows 7 ManiaWindows Navi+