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Madobe Family

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The Madobe Family (Japanese: 窓辺ファミリー or 窓辺家) refers to the family to which notable mascots like Nanami or Claudia Madobe belong.

Reference Family Tree

Several official discs from Windows Navi+ included a Madobe Family Tree (Japanese: 窓辺家 家系図).

Known Members

According to the reference material, the Madobe Family is composed of members from the Nezu (根津), Madobe (窓辺), and Shirato (白戸) lineages (家).

Most of their names refer to a Microsoft product.

Nezu Lineage

Nezu may be an anagram or tōgo (inverted word) of the Microsoft's Zune.

The only known character from this lineage is Eīchi Nezu (根津映一).

Nezu Lineage Member
Japanese First Name Japanese Reading Transcription Notes
映一 えいいち Eīchi Father of Yū and Ai Madobe. As the sole known member of the Nezu Lineage, he may represent the Microsoft's Zune.

Madobe Lineage

The word 窓辺 literally means the area near a window, the vicinity of a window[1]. It is often translated as "by the window" or "windowsill" by machine translators when they don't detect that it is used as a proper name. The surname is a reference to the Microsoft's Windows products.

Madobe Lineage Members
Japanese First Name Japanese Reading Transcription Notes
三一 さんいち Sanichi Great Grandfather (曾祖父) of Nanami, Claudia, Yū and Ai Madobe. The Kanjis refer to Windows 3.1 (三 means three, and 一 one).
延兵衛 えんべえ Enbei Grandmother or grandfather Yū and Ai Madobe, grandaunt or granduncle of Nanami and Claudia Madobe. The name may refer to the Windows Embedded (now Windows IoT) lineage as it is pronounced like the start of Embedded.
直三 なおぞう Naozō Grandfather (祖父) of Nanami (maternal) and Claudia Madobe (paternal). The Kanjis may refer to the Direct3D Graphics API (直 can mean the adjective direct, 三 means three).
珊瑚 さんご Sango Grandmother (祖母) of Nanami (maternal) and Claudia Madobe (paternal). The name refers to Windows NT 3.5: as a reading of the Kanji 三, さん (san) means three, and as a reading of the Kanji 五, ご (go), means five.
しい Shī Mother of Yū and Ai Madobe, first cousin once removed of Nanami and Claudia Madobe. As the daugther of Enbei and how her name sounds similar to CE, she may represent Windows CE (now Windows Embedded Compact).
仁宣 ひとのぶ Hitonobu Father of Claudia Madobe, uncle (叔父) of Nanami Madobe. The name may refer to the Windows 2000, since the Kanjis of Hitonobu can be read as Nisen in on'yomi, which sounds like 二千 (Nisen), the Japanese word for 2000.
美佳穂 みかほ Mikaho Mother (母) of Nanami Madobe, aunt of Claudia Madobe.
ゆう Eldest daughter (長女) of Eīchi Nezu and Shī Madobe, twin sister of Ai, second cousin of Nanami and Claudia Madobe. The Whatever the Future Holds song suggests that the twins' names are derived from You and I.
あい Ai Second daughter (次女) of Eīchi Nezu and Shī Madobe, twin sister of Yū, second cousin of Nanami and Claudia Madobe. The Whatever the Future Holds song suggests that the twins' names are derived from You and I.
クロード Claude Brother of Claudia Madobe, (first) cousin (いとこ) of Nanami Madobe. The name sounds like cloud and refers to the Cloud services offered by Microsoft Azure.
クラウディア Claudia Sister of Claude Madobe, (first) cousin (いとこ) of Nanami Madobe. The name sounds like cloud and refers to the Cloud services offered by Microsoft Azure.
吾一 ごいち Goichi Eldest son (長男) of Mikaho Madobe and Kyūhachi Shirato, brother of Nanami Madobe. The Kanjis refer to Windows XP (吾 means five and 一 one; Windows XP has the NT 5.1 kernel).
むつみ Mutsumi Eldest daughter (長女) of Mikaho Madobe and Kyūhachi Shirato, sister of Nanami Madobe. The name refers to Windows Vista: as a reading of the Kanji 六, むつ (mutsu) means the number six; and Vista is between XP and 7 like 6 is between 5.1 and 7 (note that Windows 7 has the NT 6.1 Kernel so 6 may not directly refer to NT 6.0).
ななみ Nanami Second daughter (次女) of Mikaho Madobe and Kyūhachi Shirato. The name refers to Windows 7: as a reading of the Kanji 七, なな (nana) means the number seven.

Shirato Lineage

Shirato is what is written in Hiragana (しらと) when typing DOS in the Kana Input[2], these Hiraganas are shown beside the respective letter in a Japanese Keyboard.

Shirato Lineage Members
Japanese First Name Japanese Reading Transcription Notes
三平 さんぺい Sanpei Great Grandfather (曾祖父) of Nanami, Claudia, Yū and Ai Madobe. The Kanjis refer to Windows NT 3.51 (三 means three, and 平 is derived from the 51st Kangxi radical 干).
久吾 きゅうご Kyūgo Grandfather (祖父) of Nanami. The name refers to Windows 95: as a reading of the Kanji 九, きゅう (kyū) means nine, and as a reading of the Kanji 五, ご (go), means five.
南都子 なとこ Natoko Grandmother (祖母) of Nanami.
究八 きゅうはち Kyūhachi Father (父) of Nanami. The name refers to Windows 98: as a reading of the Kanji 九, きゅう (kyū) means nine, and as a reading of the Kanji 八, はち (hachi), means eight.
美衣 みい Aunt (叔母) of Nanami. The name refers to Windows Me due to its pronunciation.

Other Members

Original Full Name Translation Notes
窓辺とおこ Tōko Madobe A member of the Madobe Family from 100 years in the future. The name refers to Windows 10: as a reading of the Kanji 十, とお () means ten.
  • The Claudia Madobe's (and Claude's) mother is mentioned on her profile for the Cloud Girl Webcomic[3]. She is described as a French-American person and her name is unknown;
  • According to the The Madobe Family Voice Drama Prologue, the Manager is a distant relative of Nanami, Ai, Yū and Tōko.

Notes and References

{{{size}}}px Madobe Universe
Main Madobe Family {{{size}}}px Nanami{{{size}}}px and {{{size}}}px Ai{{{size}}}px Tōko{{{size}}}px Claudia
Other Characters {{{size}}}px Ruri{{{size}}}px Manager{{{size}}}px Claude{{{size}}}px Mutsumi{{{size}}}px Hikaru{{{size}}}px Inori
Notable Media 🎵 Seven Color Generator • 🎞️ Nanami Madobe's Commercial • 💬 Cloud Girl • 🎵 Mir8cle Days • 🎵 Whatever the Future Holds • 🎵 Future Update • 🎵 Find the Way • 🗣️ The Madobe Family Voice Drama
Events Windows 7 LaunchWindows Home ServerHappy Windows 7Nanami CommercialUltimate SummerWindows 7 1st AnniversaryIntel × MicrosoftPower Saving SchoolTouch Mouse2012 SpringKinectSweet MemoryWindows 8 Launch2012 WinterComiket 832013 SpringComiket 84Windows 8.1 Launch2013 Winter2014 SpringWindows 8.1 Update2014 Summer2014 WinterWindows 10 Launch2015 WinterCelsys Collaboration
See Also Windows 7 ManiaWindows Navi+