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Lisa Ryūgō

From Moeverse Wiki
Prelude to Florescence
UNIVER.SYS Character
"Is it better to live in a perfect illusion, or a flawed reality?"
General Information
NameLisa Ryūgō
First published2023-04-09
Hair ColorLilac
Eye ColorPink
Other Information
AffiliationIconochroma (Inactive)
HobbiesDrawing, writing, arranging flowers

Lisa Ryūgō is a character in UNIVER.SYS. She is a Techne from Prismage.


Lisa's earliest design date back to 2021, however her first finished design was published to Pixiv in November 13, 2022. [1]. Her design was further refined, and she was published on OS-tans.moe in April 9, 2023, before being moved to Moeverse.

Almost 2 years later in January 5, 2025, she received a new design.


An artist and florist known for being outwardly phlegmatic and sometimes appear lost in thought, Lisa is often assumed to be dispassionate or snobbish, due to her intricate outfit and eclectic interests. In reality, Lisa is far from being a snob, as she is quite friendly to most Techne and can be passionate about her artworks, even if she seemed perpetually tired because of her work hours.

To Lisa, fame, fortune, and rationality can't solve everything for a Techne, even if it made it any easier. It was the meaning of things and the search for it, which appealed to her, leading her to study various symbolisms in art, including graphic design, semiotics, and the language of flowers. Even when Lisa debuted as an idol, she paid close attention on writing her songs, intending for it to resonate with her audience.



  • Lisa represents the Apple Lisa computer from 1983, Apple's first commercial computer with GUI and the predecessor of the original Macintosh.
    • Her last name Ryūgō refers to the old reading of 林檎 (ringo), which is Japanese for apple.[2]
  • Her design is heavily asymmetrical in reference to the computer's screen placement.
  • Her color scheme references Apple Lisa hardware and floppy disks [3], in addition to the rainbow details reminiscent of Apple's old logo.
  • Lisa's occupation as an artist and florist is based on Apple Lisa's GUI and the paint program featured in its desktop screenshot, which also portrayed a rose in a vase. [4]
  • Lisa ia a close friend of Nix, based on how the Xenix operating system was ported to Apple Lisa in 1984. [5] [6]


  • Lisa's outfit was designed by herself to keep her posture straight since she has back problems.
  • She was originally slated to be the "face" of Iconochroma after Alan, but stepped down and let her brother Masaki took her place.
  • While she's the heart compared to Nix's brains and Estelle's energy, Lisa is quite intelligent and is well-versed in other fields such as writing.[7]
  • Lisa has a graphics tablet and its shape was inspired by an unreleased Apple tablet prototype from 1983. [8]

Notes and References

{{{size}}}px UNIVER.SYS
✨Main Characters {{{size}}}px Nix{{{size}}}px Lisa{{{size}}}px Estelle
💠Logiciel {{{size}}}px Mike{{{size}}}px Amy{{{size}}}px Mina{{{size}}}px Natalia{{{size}}}px Céleste
🌈Prismage {{{size}}}px Ash{{{size}}}px Alan{{{size}}}px Corinne{{{size}}}px Masaki{{{size}}}px Yukina{{{size}}}px Aurora
🌊Warefarer {{{size}}}px Patrick{{{size}}}px Vicky{{{size}}}px Kairi{{{size}}}px Justine{{{size}}}px Herschel{{{size}}}px Amelia
↗️Virta {{{size}}}px Mikko{{{size}}}px Sinikka{{{size}}}px Santeri{{{size}}}px Arvi{{{size}}}px Talvi
🪄Synknights {{{size}}}px Zinnia{{{size}}}px Zach{{{size}}}px Quinley{{{size}}}px Roland{{{size}}}px Rika
Others 👔BIM • 📚Other Organizations
See Also ©️ UNIVER.SYS License • 📜 UNIVER.SYS Compendium