Kinect for Windows Campaign

From Moeverse Wiki
Kinect for Windows Special Pack Campaign
A picture from the campaign's page.

Windows 7 Mania launched a campaign on April 16, 2012 promoting Kinect for Windows, featuring Nanami and Claudia Madobe[1][2][3][4].

The campaign proposed the Kinect for Windows Special Pack (Japanese: Kinect for Windows スペシャルパック), a CD-ROM that was given as a bonus to 1500 simultaneous purchases of Windows 7 and a Kinect for Windows (a motion sensing input device).

Windows Special Pack

It contains 3D models of Nanami and Claudia in both the FilmBox .fbx (Kinect compatible) and the MikuMikuDance (MMD) .pmd formats. A demonstration of the Kinect using these 3D models was already proposed during the 2012 Nipponbashi PC-DIY Festa on March 20[5].

Disc Technical Information

  • Title: 3D_dataset
  • ISO Size: 103235584 bytes
  • Hashs:
    • MD5: d5cfe240071cdffb755c3bd5812a9ce6
    • SHA1: 8d03683f587ed100118fd40ebc3cabce2234e112
    • SHA256: bc5091ee61f80f3874be3eff4969788416383824c56f9607a848aaa1d2dc711d

External Links

Notes and References

{{{size}}}px Madobe Universe
Main Madobe Family {{{size}}}px Nanami{{{size}}}px and {{{size}}}px Ai{{{size}}}px Tōko{{{size}}}px Claudia
Other Characters {{{size}}}px Ruri{{{size}}}px Manager{{{size}}}px Claude{{{size}}}px Hikaru{{{size}}}px Inori
Notable Media 🎵 Seven Color Generator • 🎞️ Nanami Madobe's Commercial • 💬 Cloud Girl • 🎵 Mir8cle Days • 🎵 Whatever the Future Holds • 🎵 Future Update • 🎵 Find the Way • 🗣️ The Madobe Family Voice Drama
Events Windows 7 LaunchWindows Home ServerHappy Windows 7Nanami CommercialUltimate SummerWindows 7 1st AnniversaryIntel × MicrosoftPower Saving SchoolTouch Mouse2012 SpringKinectSweet MemoryWindows 8 Launch2012 WinterComiket 832013 SpringComiket 84Windows 8.1 Launch2013 Winter2014 SpringWindows 8.1 Update2014 Summer2014 WinterWindows 10 Launch2015 WinterCelsys Collaboration
See Also Windows 7 ManiaWindows Navi+