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Not to be confused with NT Maman and DejaVu's NT-tan
Software Personification
General Information
RepresentsWindows NT
First available1993-07-27
Developer🇺🇸 Microsoft
Hair ColorBlue
Eye ColorBlue

Inu-T (Japanese: いぬてぃ, Inutei) is an OS-tan that personifies Windows NT, presumably the versions before Windows 2000.


The first design of her was published on June 22, 2004 in a Futaba Channel thread[1]. The design was similar as NT Maman's (who debuted on September 28, 2003) and the characters were treated as the same.

Later in 2004, user Haruka published the current dog design, and from this point Inu-T and NT Maman were treated as independent and separate characters[1].


Inu-T is depicted as a dog kemonomimi, and has blue or light purple hair, fluffy droopy dog ears, a dog's tail and a red collar. Both the ears and tail have white at the ends. She usually wears gloves and boots shaped like paws, and colored blue to match her ears and tail. She also wears a yellow ribbon on her hair and a sleeveless light blue one-piece.


Most Inu-T portrayals remained consistent, depicting her as a spunky character with dog-like attitude. She rarely speaks and most of the times only expresses herself with "wafun" ("わふーん")[2].

The derivative portrayals of Inu-T further expanded her relationships with other OS-tans.


  • The reason Inu-T is a dog kemonomimi comes from the romaji of NT (enu-ti), which sounds like inu ti, and inu (いぬ) is the Japanese for dog[2].

See Also

Notes and References

{{{size}}}px OS-tan
Notable Legacy OS‑tans {{{size}}}px Oichi (1.0) • {{{size}}}px Ōbaba (3.1) • {{{size}}}px 95-tan{{{size}}}px 98-tan{{{size}}}px 98SE-tan{{{size}}}px Me-tan{{{size}}}px 2K-tan{{{size}}}px XP-tan{{{size}}}px Mac-tan
Notable Modern OS‑tans {{{size}}}px Vistake{{{size}}}px Seven-chan{{{size}}}px Battenichi-chan (8.1) • {{{size}}}px Ten-chan{{{size}}}px 11-chan
More OS‑tans and Related {{{size}}}px DOS Prompt{{{size}}}px Inu-T{{{size}}}px NT Maman{{{size}}}px Homeko{{{size}}}px Saba-tan{{{size}}}px Longhorn-tan{{{size}}}px Linspire-tan{{{size}}}px Linux-tan{{{size}}}px Sonata (Mac 9) • {{{size}}}px Dr. NortonOther Characters
Notable Media 🎞️ Trouble Windows Opening • 📖 Trouble Windows OS-tan Fan Book
Events Futaba School Festival
See Also NijiuraFutaba Channel
Related Universes Project Direct Girl{{{size}}}px OS-tan{{{size}}}px Madobe Universe
Other Characters {{{size}}}px Miko Mikami
Disambiguation Pages Windows 3.1Windows NTWindows XPWindows VistaWindows 7Windows 11