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Dr. Norton

From Moeverse Wiki
Software Personification
General Information
NameDr. Norton
DesignerXP Kaki-Aki / Nac
RepresentsNorton AntiVirus
Developer🇺🇸 🇨🇿 Symantec Corporation

Dr. Norton (Japanese: ノートン先生, Norton-sensei) is an OS-tan character that personifies Norton AntiVirus.


He debuted in 2003[1], presumably in a Futaba Channel post which image has been saved in the OS-tan Vault.

He appeared as a notable character in the Trouble Windows Opening published on April 2004.

In the Trouble Windows OS-tan Fan Book, he is notably shown explaining the early days of the OS-tans.


His design is of an old male doctor with a white lab coat, a yellow tie, glasses, a stethoscope and the old Symantec logo on his forehead. His n also has the whisp of smoke style tail end instead of legs, also known as an ectoplasmic tail.


Dr. Norton is an eccentric older doctor who often requests routine check-ups from the OS-tans, even when they are perfectly healthy. However, his intentions are solely related to his curiosity about their bodies.[Challenged]

Notes and References

  1. His "Norton" gallery is already linked in the 2003-10-04 archive of the home page.
{{{size}}}px OS-tan
Notable Legacy OS‑tans {{{size}}}px Oichi (1.0) • {{{size}}}px Ōbaba (3.1) • {{{size}}}px 95-tan{{{size}}}px 98-tan{{{size}}}px 98SE-tan{{{size}}}px Me-tan{{{size}}}px 2K-tan{{{size}}}px XP-tan{{{size}}}px Mac-tan
Notable Modern OS‑tans {{{size}}}px Vistake{{{size}}}px Seven-chan{{{size}}}px Battenichi-chan (8.1) • {{{size}}}px Ten-chan{{{size}}}px 11-chan
More OS‑tans and Related {{{size}}}px DOS Prompt{{{size}}}px Inu-T{{{size}}}px NT Maman{{{size}}}px Homeko{{{size}}}px Saba-tan{{{size}}}px Longhorn-tan{{{size}}}px Linspire-tan{{{size}}}px Linux-tan{{{size}}}px Sonata (Mac 9) • {{{size}}}px Dr. NortonOther Characters
Notable Media 🎞️ Trouble Windows Opening • 📖 Trouble Windows OS-tan Fan Book
Events Futaba School Festival
See Also NijiuraFutaba Channel