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Byte Intelligence Mechanisms

From Moeverse Wiki
NameByte Intelligence Mechanisms
Inspired byInternational Business Machines
IMS Associates,Inc.
StylesCorporate, Modernism
Common MotifsPinstripes, business attires, primary colors
Common ColorsCobalt Blue

Byte Intelligence Mechanisms (BIM) is the largest and oldest Ensemble in Liberty and UNIVER.SYS as a whole, and holds a powerful influence throughout the universe. They contributed in various architectures and infrastructures of UNIVER.SYS, ensuring the stability of the Techne society. While BIM's contributions were fundamental in modern UNIVER.SYS, later Ensembles criticized them for sacrificing progress and variability.

Visual Styles

BIM's architecture and fashion tend to be more clean-cut and formal compared to other Ensembles. Their color choices tend to stick to primary palettes and greyscale. A lot of their Techne adopted business attire and their elements, ranging from casual to very formal. To the Techne of BIM, form always follows function, never the opposite.

Their visual style also influenced Logiciel's visual style during their alliance.

Techne Units

Cobalt Coalition

After the victory of the earliest Techne society against their power-hungry precursors, a number of them built the foundations of BIM, and later formed Cobalt Coalition, dedicating themselves to the cause of rebuilding the universe from the chaos of the previous era. Some of them became businesspeople and industrialists, others chose architecture, development, and surprisingly, creative work. Cobalt Coalition's effort bore fruit and UNIVER.SYS was thriving once again, but they realize that they can't all have the credit.

In the wake of new Techne societies such as the Intermetallic Foundation and Digital Experimenters Collective, it was up to Cobalt Coalition if they can keep up with the times, or BIM be forever remembered as the austere, colorless Ensemble.


  • BIM is inspired by International Business Machines (IBM). The name was simply swapping 2 out of the 3 letters.
    • Additionally it also represents IMS Associates, Inc. (IMSAI), the manufacturer of the Altair 8800 clone and competitor IMSAI 8080, as IMSAI's founder was an ex-IBM employee, and IMSAI's subsidiary, ComputerLand, was an early seller of the IBM PC in 1981.
  • BIM's cobalt blue color references IBM's nickname Big Blue.
  • The modernist style of BIM took inspirations from Bauhaus, De Stijl, and International Typographic Style.
  • BIM's contribution in creative work alludes to the IBM 7094, the first computer to sing, and to an extent the IBM System/360, an IBM mainframe family that influenced computer design for many years.