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Aurora Ryūsen

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Idealistic Idol
UNIVER.SYS Character
"I'm happy that I met people like me in Prismage."
General Information
NameAurora Ryūsen
Space Cadet
First published2024-07-13
Hair ColorPale Beige , Ultramarine
Eye ColorTurquoise
Other Information
AffiliationAvis Society (formerly)
HobbiesSpace-themed decorations, wrestling shows

Aurora Ryūsen is a character in UNIVER.SYS. She is a Techne from Prismage.


Aurora was first published on OS-tans.moe on December 6, 2023, before being migrated to this site on July 13, 2024. She doesn't have a visual design yet.


Aurora is friendly, meticulous, and hardworking, though can be anxious at times. She tends to be eager to please and prove her competence and worth as an idol, despite the challenges involved.

Aurora's desire to prove herself and conceal her quirky interests stems from her wish to gain acceptance from her colleagues in Avis Socety, who mostly saw her as an outsider, and she strives to change their perception of her and her skills. But she discovers that pleasing Avis Society is an uphill battle, while her fellow Techne in Iconochroma treat her with kindness and respect.



  • Aurora represents of A/UX, also known as Apple Unix. It was known for its inclusion of a graphical user interface, including the familiar Finder windows, menus, and controls. A/UX requires select 68k-based Macintosh models with an FPU and a paged memory management unit (PMMU), including the Macintosh II, SE/30, Quadra, and Centris series.
    • Despite being discontinued in 1995 due to its development costs, A/UX was praised for being the easiest version of Unix to learn at its time.


  • Aurora's interest in space-themed decorations is derived from A/UX's codenames[1] Space Cadet and Pigs in Space.
    • Additionally, her interest on professional wrestling is based on the Hulk Hogan codename for A/UX 3.0.
    • There is central repository for most A/UX applications: an Internet server at NASA called Jagubox.
  • Despite her awkward debut on stage, Aurora does have an influence and dedicated fans, which is inspired from [2], the third oldest ISP, that originally ran on A/UX.

Notes and References

{{{size}}}px UNIVER.SYS
✨Main Characters {{{size}}}px Nix{{{size}}}px Lisa{{{size}}}px Estelle
💠Logiciel {{{size}}}px Mike{{{size}}}px Amy{{{size}}}px Mina{{{size}}}px Natalia{{{size}}}px Céleste
🌈Prismage {{{size}}}px Ash{{{size}}}px Alan{{{size}}}px Corinne{{{size}}}px Masaki{{{size}}}px Yukina{{{size}}}px Aurora
🌊Warefarer {{{size}}}px Patrick{{{size}}}px Vicky{{{size}}}px Kairi{{{size}}}px Justine{{{size}}}px Herschel{{{size}}}px Amelia
↗️Virta {{{size}}}px Mikko{{{size}}}px Sinikka{{{size}}}px Santeri{{{size}}}px Arvi{{{size}}}px Talvi
🪄Synknights {{{size}}}px Zinnia{{{size}}}px Zach{{{size}}}px Quinley{{{size}}}px Roland{{{size}}}px Rika
Others 👔BIM • 📚Other Organizations
See Also ©️ UNIVER.SYS License • 📜 UNIVER.SYS Compendium