Audrey Kingston

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The DJ of Duality
Character from The Windolgram
"A program full of determination, this is DJ Interlude!"
DebutMarch 5th, 2023
Interaction(s)Melody (fellow DJ)
Hyo-jin (fellow DJ)
Vocal tierAbove Average (B-, Low-Mid)
Affiliation(s)Byte On Air
PersonifyingWindows Mobile 6.5
BirthdayMay 11, 2003 (age 21)
Eye colorChocolate brown
Hair colorDark gray

Audrey Kingston, or by her DJ name DJ Interlude, is a character from The Windolgram series. She was one of the DJs from the radio station, Byte On Air.


Audrey has waist-length dark gray hair with a pigtail tied by a mint green rubber band on the right side. She wears a white midriff and pants (with cadet blue detail below); with navy blue designs full of stars, swirls and other details to match her "cool" and "attractive" aesthetic. She also dons dark orchid sandals with ribbons placed in front of each sandal. She also wore a long, flowing dark purple buttoned blazer and a necklace with an olive green pendant in the shape of a teardrop.


Audrey is a young woman with full of passion and determination as she works hard to spread her versatility to her fans. Her encouragement from Melody and Kiki inspire and motivate her to continue what she loves to do and becoming a great influence to everyone.


  • Melody - her fellow DJ. Whenever Melody starts her segmental session, Audrey watches her with enthusiasm and pride, proving that their friendship is inseparable.
  • Hyo-jin - her fellow DJ. Audrey adores Kiki's jokes and whimsical moments.


  • Audrey is well-known for her unexpected duality. Although people knew her for her resonant volume control while introducing herself or singing—her slightly deep, yet sultry speaking voice is what makes them captivated as they explore her facet.
  • Audrey is also known for being involved in a humorous debate with Melody about their ages and appearances. When the truth came out, Audrey is the youngest one (in fact, she was a month younger than Melody as they were born on the same year, 2003).