もえ【萌え】: ある人物やキャラクター等に対して持つ好意などの感情[1]
Moe: a feeling of fondness toward a person, character, etc.

[1] Wiktionary (ja): もえ


Moeverse is a place dedicated to moe Characters and their Universes. Its Community strives to make it a warm and safe place to spend some enjoyable and inspiring time.

We are established since only recently and constantly evolving, so if you are interested in helping us grow, get involved!
Background by SpacePuffer.

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Sunoko-tan (すのこタン) is the mascot of the Sunoko-tan. products manufactured by Marudai Co., Ltd, which are aluminium cooling stands.
A tsundere girl born from aluminium materials that was about to be disposed in the warehouse of Marudai, a small factory in Sanjo City, Nīgata. She is always cheerful and energetic, but also extremely shy, which makes her dog Koro sad.

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Dreamcast (ドリームキャスト) is the moe personification of the titular Sega Dreamcast video game console.
A honest, cheerful girl who gets along with everyone, and has a strong sense of justice. However, she can be easily teased due to her expressiveness, which tends to change from one moment to the next. Although unaware of it, her poverty has become a part of her personality, and people around her sometimes feel sorry for her.

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