もえ【萌え】: ある人物やキャラクター等に対して持つ好意などの感情[1]
Moe: a feeling of fondness toward a person, character, etc.

[1] Wiktionary (ja): もえ


Moeverse is a place dedicated to moe Characters and their Universes. Its Community strives to make it a warm and safe place to spend some enjoyable and inspiring time.

We are established since only recently and constantly evolving, so if you are interested in helping us grow, get involved!
Background by SpacePuffer.

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Claudia Madobe
Claudia Madobe

Claudia Madobe (クラウディア・窓辺) is the Japanese moe mascot of Microsoft Azure, endorsed by Microsoft Japan.
She is an aspiring Windows Azure developer with a master's degree in engineering and a little more than two years of development experience. While she can be a bit superior to those who are learning about cloud computing, she is willing to teach them.

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Mamori Hayasaka
Mamori Hayasaka

Mamori Hayasaka (早坂 まもり) is the mascot and personification of PC Matic in Japan, a security software developed by the American cybersecurity firm PC Pitstop and distributed in Japan by the Bluestar Corporation.
Mamori Hayasaka loves diagnosing and fixing malfunctioning computers. She always wears a screwdriver on her thigh to disassemble computers anywhere and improve them.

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